Rezekne Academy of Technologies
July 10, 2024
Rezekne Academy of Technologies (RTA) is a state-founded institution of higher education and science of the Republic of Latvia, which implements academic and professional study programmes, as well as engages in science, research and artistic creativity. RTA is a university of applied sciences. Its strategic areas of specialization are engineering, technology and social sciences.
RTA was established in 1993 under the name "Rēzeknes Augstskola" on the basis of branches of the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University. In 2012 the Constitutional Assembly decided to change the name of Rezekne Higher Education Institution to "Rezekne Academy of Technologies".
RTA's vision is to become an internationally competitive technology academy in European higher education and science space in the field of integrated engineering, social and humanitarian sciences with motivated, creative and labor market-demanding students and an open, dynamic academic and scientific environment for sustainable societal development.
RTA's mission is to contribute to the transformation and growth of society and economy through education, research, science and the innovation system, ensuring the creation of new products and technologies in the science sectors and interdisciplinary sectors represented by RTA both at the national and international level.
The long-term goal of RTA's activity is to strengthen RTA's strategic role in Latgale region, in the system of higher education and scientific institutions of Latvia and Europe, positioning itself as a technology academy, focusing on the development, learning, research, popularization and application of multidisciplinary technological solutions.
Research directions and competences
In order to ensure the synergy of research and education, RTA's activities are concentrated in three scientific institutes: the Institute of Engineering (IZI) established at the Faculty of Engineering; the Research Institute for Regional Studies (REGI) established at the Faculty of Education, Languages and Desig; Research Institute for Businesses and Social Processes established at the Faculty of Economics and Management - (BSPI).
Basic principles of RTA's scientific activity: excellence in research, ethics of scientific activity, implementation of the principles of open access policy, synergy of research and pedagogical work, cooperation and interdisciplinarity of research, transfer of innovations for implementation of research outcomes in production or provision of services in business, ensuring the needs of society and economic development, and effective scientific administrative and financial management at all levels.
RTA's priority research directions and competences:
1. Engineering and technologies:
- Technologies, materials and engineering systems for increasing the added value and cyber security of products and processes.
- Research and sustainable use of local natural resources for the development of a knowledge-based bioeconomy.
Specialization: information and communication technologies; smart materials, technologies and engineering systems; knowledge-intensive bioeconomy; laser technologies; industry 4.0; nanotechnology and composite materials; smart, green and small energetics.
2. Humanities:
- Research of languages and cultures of Latgale region in the national and European context.
- Transformation of the Latgalian language and culture in the 21st century.
- ICT in the Humanities.
- Multilingualism, language policy and governance in local, national and international contexts.
3. Social sciences:
- Study of economic space and economic systems.
- Security, management and protection of society and borders.
- Entrepreneurship and resource management.
- Theoretical and practical issues of legal system.
- Information and communication research (history, social memory, media consumption, social networks, users).
- Study of sustainable development of society and processes.
4. Educational sciences:
- Development of therapies, development and implementation of rehabilitation technologies, preventive strategies and measures;
- Inclusive work technologies in education, socialization and resocialization strategies.
- Educational communication in the e-environment: theory and practice for achieving a level of excellence;
- Support technologies for families at social risk.
Research projects and achievements
- LCS FARP project "Testing Interventions and Developing a Knowledge-based Recommendation System to Reduce Plate Waste in School Catering in Latvia" (Nr. lzp-2022/1-0492), 01.02.2023.-31.01.2026., 299 997 EUR
- LCS FARP project "Development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles based decision-making system for smart fruit growing" (Nr. lzp-2021/1-0134), 03.01.2022.-30.12.2024., 299 999 EUR
- LCS SRP project "Ecosystem of smart materials, photonics, technology and engineering" (Nr. VPP-EM-FOTONIKA-2022/1-0001), 01.12.2022.-30.11.2024., RTA part - 23293.75 EUR
- LCS SRP project "Landscapes of Identities: History, Culture and Environment" (Nr. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/1-0008), 12.12.2021.-19.12.2024., RTA part - 180 000 EUR
- LCS SRP project "The diversity of the Latvian language in time and space" (Nr. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/4-0003), 20.12.2021.-19.12.2024., RTA part - 41 382 EUR
- LCS SRP project "Letonika for the development of Latvian and European society" (Nr. VPP-LETONIKA-2022/1-0001), 01.07.2022.-19.12.2024., RTA daļa - 23 111 EUR
- LCS SRP project “Towards Development of Open and FAIR Digital Humanities Ecosystem in Latvia” (Nr. VPP-IZM-DH-2022/1-0002), 15.12.2022.-14.12.2025., RTA part - 150 000 EUR
- LCS SRP project "New solutions in the study of demography and migration processes for the development of the Latvian and European knowledge society" (Nr. VPP-LETONIKA-2021/4-0002), 10.12.2021.-09.12.2024., RTA part - 6000 EUR
- LCS FARP project "Transformation of the value of education for the cultural and economic growth of the social community" (Nr. lzp-2020/1-0178), 01.01.2021.-31.12.2023., RTA part - 65 670 EUR
- ERDF PostDoc project "Analysis of laser marking process parameters of new industrial materials for high-tech applications" (Nr., 01.04.2020.-31.03.2023., 133 805,88 EUR
RTA's research infrastructure covers the resources needed to ensure scientific activity and promote innovation. It is aimed at ensuring the scientific activity, study process and public procurement and includes scientific equipment, scientific data collections, virtual archives and other scientific data available in open access.
The equipment used for research is located in the centers and laboratories of RTA scientific institutes:
- IZI Geo technology and Eco-Industry Research Center provides infrastructure for conducting research on flow mechanics, hydraulics and pneumatics, eco-technologies, engineering geology and soil mechanics, food processing and textile technologies;
- IZI Information and Communication Technology Research Center concentrates computer networks and computer equipment. The center ensures RTA's participation in the Latvian academic core network project and, as a cooperation partner, performs the main data transmission network access function, ensuring the connection of partner institutions to this network. RTA is provided with the development of shared software necessary for conducting research activities, access to the international scientific literature database Science Direct, the citation index database Scopus, etc. The center maintains and improves RTA's website rta.lv and RTA's electronic websites journals.rta.lv, conferences.rta.lv, books.rta.lv, ekursi.rta.lv; institutional repository dspace.rta.lv.
- IZI Chemistry, Biology and Biotechnology Research Center provides infrastructure for research on chemical processes, microbiology and biotechnology, ecology and environmental protection, environmental health and provision of human living conditions;
- IZI Metalworking and Mechatronics Research Center provides a base for material mechanics, electronics, electrical engineering and electric drive research, as well as mechatronics and CAD/CAM/CAE training;
- IZI Physical Processes and Laser Technologies Research Center has created an infrastructure for the development of physical and laser processes, laser technologies, research and development of new products;
- The REGI Special Pedagogy Laboratory provides the experimental base for the approval of REGI scientific research, carries out methodological activities and provides social services for the solution of special pedagogy problems;
- The REGI Social Pedagogy and Rehabilitation Technology Laboratory has been equipped with a Multisensory Room, equipment for conducting research on social rehabilitation and stress reduction; methodical activity is carried out and social services are provided to solve the problems of special pedagogy.
- A modern video room for the introduction of transformative digital learning in Latvia has been set up in the REGI Pedagogical Technology Laboratory. It is based on the approbation of models developed by the University of Ontario, Canada, and adaptation to conditions in Latvia.
Leading Researchers:
- Kodors Sergejs, Dr. sc.ing., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1066-1887, Scopus 56326161000, h-indekss 4
- Lazov Lyubomir Kostadimov, Dr.sc.ing., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6039-9557 Scopus 55384203700, h-indekss 8
- Litavniece Lienīte, Dr.oec., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9859-7850 Scopus 57189339287, h-indekss 4
- Lonska Jeļena, Dr.oec., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8140-4810 Scopus 35741094700, Scopus 35741094700, h-indekss 4
- Ļubkina Velta, Dr.paed. ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8127-1325 Scopus 57189298150, h indekss 3
- Martena (Lazdiņa) Sanita, Dr. philol., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9116-6844 , Scopus55916176400 un 57441310000, h-indekss 3
- Marten Heiko, F., Dr.philol., ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9781-0808 Scopus 57203085782, h-indekss 3
- Mietule Iveta, Dr.oec, ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7662-9866 Scopus 56087868700, Scopus 56087868700, h-indekss 4
- Teilāns Artis, ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3185-9451 Scopus 24723234500, h-indekss 6
- Teirumnieks Edmunds, Dr.sc.ing., ORCID ID https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4470-2747 , Scopus 56323300300, h-indekss 5