The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia"
August 28, 2023
The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" is a meeting opportunity for anyone who cares deeply about Latvia and Latvian science!
The Congress was one of the widest-reaching events in Latvian science, gathering Latvian science ecosystem stakeholders from all over the world.
The programme of the Congress is divided into three interdisciplinary and interlinked topics:
- Digital Transformation;
- Green Transition;
- Science Impact.
The Congress featured Latvian and diaspora researchers, young researchers, students, entrepreneurs, international and local partners, as well as representatives from national and international public administration institutions and politicians.
Objectives of the Congress:
- To create a discussion platform and a pragmatic innovation forum where the participants of the Congress have the opportunity to meet each other;
- To meet and to build relationships and networks based on common objectives and to launch joint projects in various scientific disciplines;
- To inform Latvian society about the outstanding achievements and success stories of scientists from Latvia and of Latvian origin, emphasizing Latvia’s human capital and its potential;
- To strengthen their bonds with Latvia, and enhance their understanding of the cultural heritage and traditions of Latvia;
- To raise the international profile of Latvian science and its scientific institutions.
The Congress was organised by the Ministry of Education and Science in collaboration with the Chancery of the President of Latvia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvian research universities (University of Latvia, Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, Riga Technical University and Riga Stradiņš University), the Council of Rectors of Latvia, the Latvian Council of Science, the Latvian Academy of Science, the Association of Latvian Young Scientists, the Latvian Dental and Medical Association, the World Federation of Free Latvians, the Union of European Latvians, the American Latvian Association, the organization “Economic Co-operation and Investment for Latvia” (movement #esiLV), and the Employers’ Confederation of Latvia.
The Live recordings of the Congress are available on the Youtube Research Latvia, while the poster presentations presented at the Congress can be viewed below:
The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia" is implemented within the framework of the ERDF project No. “Integrated national level measures for strengthening interest representations for the research and development of Latvia as part of the European Research Area”.
openThe progress of Latvian science 2008-2019