Researcher Spotlight: Renāte Ranka

Dr. biol. Renāte Ranka, Rīga Stradiņš University, Tenured Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy

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The Big Data from Space (BiDS) 2025 Conference

The Big Data from Space (BiDS) 2025 conference will be held from 29th September to 3rd October in Riga, Latvia

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Researcher Spotlight 2025

Extraordinary personalities and their achievements

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Science creates, surprises and drives forward

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research in Latvia

in brief

We are building a stable and strong national research environment, enabling international and public-private partnerships to emerge.

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why Latvia

Latvia's research policy is developed in order to create the maximum number of opportunities both in the research and education system and in the business environment.

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We believe that a culture of knowledge offers the best opportunities for creating and sustaining a strong civil society in a world that is constantly changing.

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research spotlight

space technologies

Space Technology Start-Ups are Invited to Apply for The Incubation Programme

Latvian space technology start-ups can apply for the European Space Agency Business Incubation Centre "ESA BIC Latvia" incubation programme. The programme will support 12 start-ups over the next five years with €60,000 each in funding, mentoring, advice and other support. …

Labs of Latvia | ESA BIC Latvia

March 21, 2025

security technologies research

Minister of Defence Explores the Scientific Potential for Strengthening National Security

To foster collaboration between science and the defence sector, on March 20, Minister of Defence Andris Sprūds visited the University of Latvia (UL). During the visit, the minister familiarized himself with UL’s scientific potential, which could significantly contribute to national security, and di…

University of Latvia

March 20, 2025


Five High School Students Selected to Shadow Latvian Scientists at CERN on Job Shadow Day 

As part of Job Shadow Day, from April 2–4, five high school students will travel to Switzerland to gain firsthand insight into the work of Latvian scientists – physicists and engineers – at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). The Ministry of Education and Science ensures Latvia’s…

Riga Technical University | researchLatvia

March 20, 2025

science communication

Daugavpils University Science Awards for the Year Presented

On March 18, the Hesperides Golden Apple, the symbol of knowledge and eternal youth of Daugavpils University, was presented during a ceremony at the Daugavpils University Concert Hall. The Daugavpils University Science Awards for the Year were granted to DU researchers for their outstanding ac…

Daugavpils University

March 19, 2025


Riga Technical University has Launched a Training Program for Cybersecurity Specialists

Riga Technical University (RTU) has launched a training program for cybersecurity specialists, which has attracted a large number of applicants. The training will take place in four specializations over two months, and the knowledge gained will be applied by specialists to implement specific cybers…

Labs of Latvia

March 19, 2025

natural sciences

Researchers from the Daugavpils University Discovered and described 111 New Beetle Species

In 2024, the beetle research group at Daugavpils University (DU) discovered and described 111 new beetle species for science, 7 new genera, and one subgenus. Two of the newly described genera and ten new species are fossilized and no longer found today, having been discovered in Baltic amber inclus…

Daugavpils University

March 18, 2025

experience stories of researchers

Researcher Agnese Brangule on the Challenges in Chemistry

Imagine a scientist who has an idea for a research project but needs other researchers from various countries around the world to help prepare the project application, submit it to a competition, and get the research approved and funded. To introduce and convince these researchers to participate in…

Rīga Stradiņš University

March 18, 2025

natural sciences

Will Weeds Be Eternal? What Did Researchers Discover?

The project 'Characterization and Dynamics of the Seed Microbiome in the Weed Soil Seed Bank,' managed by the Latvian Council of Science under the fundamental and applied research program, implemented by the Latvia University of Agriculture in collaboration with the Latvian Biomedical Research and …

March 17, 2025

March Research Spotlight: Renāte Ranka. A Personalized Approach to More Precise Treatment

Medicine and public health rely on scientific discoveries that help develop more precise diagnostic and treatment methods, thereby improving patient care and quality of life. Dr. biol. Renāte Ranka is a tenured professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy at Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU). Her scientific i…


March 17, 2025


Agreement between LAIK and DAIF Latvia to Strengthen Latvia's Space Technologies

The agreement between the Latvian Space Industry Association (LAIK) and the Latvian Security and Defense Industry Federation "DAIF Latvia" aims to strengthen cooperation between Latvia's space and security industries, promoting innovation and development, and jointly enhancing the country's defense…

DAIF Latvia

March 14, 2025

upcoming events


Bernar Venet. Painting: From Rational to Virtual. 1966–2024


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RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education Travelling Exibition "Research Latvia 2025"


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RSU Latvijas Sporta akadēmija, Brīvības gatve 333, Rīga


RSU Travelling Exibition "Research Latvia 2025"


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Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte, Dzirciema iela 16, Rīga


The Annual Conference "Current problems in literature and cultural studies"


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RTU Liepāja, Lielā iela 14, Liepāja

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March Researcher Spotlight: Renāte Ranka

Dr. biol. Renāte Ranka  Rīga Stradiņš University, Tenured Professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy Renate Ranka's main line of research is pharmacogenetics. The tenur professor and her team are actively conducting important research to find out how variations in the human genome affect the response to drugs and the effectiveness of therapy. The main purpose of the studies is to identify a genetic model that could predict the response of a particular drug in a certain group of patients, so that the most appropriate drug for each patient can be applied.

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February Researcher Spotlight: Toms Rostoks

Dr. sc. pol. Toms Rostoks  Director of the Security and Strategic Research Centre of the Latvian National Defence Academy.

The latest academic publications and studies are related to the deterrence measures implemented by NATO in the Baltic region, the study of the intentions of the states, changes in the security and defence policy of Latvia since 2014, and the views of the Latvian society on issues of significance to national security and defence. 

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January Researcher Spotlight: Diāna Zandberga

Dr. art. Diāna Zandberga, Jāzeps Vītols Latvian Academy of Music Director of the Joint Professional Doctoral Study Programme “Arts”, Pianist. 

Her research focuses on artistic research, piano music, and choreo-musical performances. She has participated in international conferences on artistic research, with concerts and lectures on this topic presented on a global scale.

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