The 5th World Congress of Latvian Scientists "Research Latvia"
July 17, 2023
The Congress is one of the widest-reaching events in Latvian science, gathering Latvian science ecosystem stakeholders from all over the world. The programme of the Congress was divided into three interdisciplinary and interlinked topics: Digital Transformation, Green Transition, Science Impact. The Congress united speakers and participants addressing the most significant scientific achievements in Latvia and the world, as well as highlighting the importance of science, as it is interwoven through all areas of life, focusing on analysing the global and societal challenges of today and the future, and their potential solutions. The Congress welcomes participants from all aspects of the Latvian science ecosystem – Latvian and diaspora researchers, young researchers, students, international and local partners, governmental and civil service actors and international representatives. Photo: Toms Norde, Gatis Orlickis