Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies
July 10, 2024
The Latvian University of Life Sceinces and Technologies (LBTU) is an internationally recognized science university located in Jelgava, whose beginnings can be considered the establishment of the higher education department of agriculture on the territory of Latvia in 1863. If initially the identity of the university was built around one sector of the national economy and the sectors related to agriculture, now its mission is the sustainable use of natural resources in various sectors. The university offers interdisciplinary higher education and develops knowledge necessary for sustainable development of the environment and society. Bringing together the contributions of the biosciences, engineering and social sciences, the university's faculty and scientists ensure that people live better, healthier and longer lives. The interests of LBTU scientists include sustainable and climate-smart resource research and management, technologies and innovations for sustainable and climate-neutral resource management, as well as research and administration of sustainable bioeconomy and smart territorial development.
In order to ensure excellence in the research and study process, LBTU has created a science university ecosystem - a unified framework of commercial companies, scientific institutions, educational institutions and other organizations as a set of institutions working purposefully under the university management and supervision, including LBTU DPP "Institute of Horticulture" and DPP "Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics".
Research directions and competences
According to the development strategy of university for 2023-2027, LBTU is the leading science university in the creation of innovations in the bioeconomy and related industries and in the sustainable use of natural resources in the Baltic Sea region, promoting the introduction of innovations in the national economy to promote the balanced development of Latvian regions and society for increasing the quality of life.
The goal of LBTU’s scientific activity is to achieve internationally recognised excellence in the Baltic Sea region and to ensure that research meets the needs and requirements of society, to strengthen LBTU’s innovation capacity and to ensure the transfer of knowledge.
As a scientific university, LBTU creates an ecosystem in the university's strategic specialization areas and priority research directions:
- life sciences (agricultural, forestry and veterinary sciences),
- engineering and technologies,
- social sciences.
Research directions are chosen in accordance with current trends in the world and in Latvia, including the European Green Deal.
LBTU's research in biosciences is concentrated in four directions - implementation of the "one health" concept, including studying the interaction of different species (animals, plants, microorganisms); research and conservation of biological diversity in agro- and forest biocenoses; research and use of soil and water resources, as well as the development and adaptation of modern technologies (digitalization, smart technologies, etc.) for the extraction of high-value agricultural and forest products, as well as in veterinary medicine. Fundamental and applied research is carried out in all LBTU faculties and institutes, as well as with external cooperation partners.
LBTU research in the engineering block is carried out in the fields of food and beverage technology, environmental engineering and energy, construction and transport engineering, electrical engineering, electronics, information and communication technology, material science, mechanical engineering and mechanical science and related sub-sectors. Based on the principles of circular economy and sustainable development, the interdisciplinary research carried out by LBTU is content related to the integration of natural and man-made resource management in agriculture, forestry, food production, construction, energy and transport. LBTU scientists create new and innovative materials, products and technologies that meet current environmental, climate neutrality, production and recycling requirements.
Multidisciplinarity plays an essential role in social science research at LBTU, which includes the balancing and interaction of several current dimensions: aspects of the environment and climate change, identification of driving forces for the transition to a climate-neutral economy, ensuring green and digital EU industry transformation processes, prevention of climate-related risks, at the same time, ensuring the competitiveness of environmentally responsible business, a socially sustainable and socially inclusive process.
All scientific directions are realized by working in close synergy with other LBTU research directions, and integrated, cooperating with scientists from other LBTU research directions, Latvian and international scientific institutions, policy makers, entrepreneurs and non-governmental organizations. LBTU Social Sciences research groups are permanent creators of the European scientific space, participate in international projects and expert working groups, ensuring the transfer of knowledge to sectors of the national economy.
According to the University’s areas of strategic specialisation, LBTU is included in such international ecosystem institutions as the Association for European Life Science Universities, the Baltic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network (BOVA) and the Nordic Forestry, Veterinary and Agricultural University Network (NOVA).
LBTU is the leading research partner (centre) of bioeconomy and related industries in Latvia, which ensures cooperation with public and private sector partners. LBTU provides support in the development of research-based policy in LBTU’s areas of strategic specialisation, as well as offers innovative research methods for learning current issues in order to positively influence their resolution in the long term. LBTU promotes an interdisciplinary approach to conducting research and more active cooperation of various LBTU structural units, especially in areas of strategic specialisation, ensuring the practical use of results. To promote research excellence, LBTU initiates interdisciplinary research in biosciences, engineering and social sciences with the aim of ensuring synergy and an innovative approach to research.
LBTU implements higher education at three levels, implementing a student-centred study process, developing the capacity of academic staff, promoting cooperation and strengthening LBTU’s academic competitiveness both in Latvia and at the international level.
LBTU offers students an internationally competitive study environment that provides ample opportunities for improvement and acquisition of new knowledge. LBTU is open to every student – with different social, economic and cultural backgrounds, regardless of the student’s age, gender, orientation, ethnicity, religion, special needs or immigration status.
LBTU provides an inclusive study environment for students of different generations, motivating them to use higher education opportunities and acquire new knowledge throughout their life.
Research projects and achievements
In 2022, LBTU implemented 175 scientific projects, of which 25% are international scientific projects, attracting EUR 4 953 725 in funding.
The most important projects:
In 2022, 18 projects of the "Horizon" Program and ERA-NET were implemented at LBTU with a total funding of 2 828 651 EUR, including;
- European Thematic Network for unlocking the full potential of Operational Groups on alternative weed control. OPER8 (2022-2025)
- Accelerating circular bio-based solutions integration in European rural areas. BioRural (2022-2025)
- Nitrogen and phosphorus load reduction approach within safe ecological boundaries for the Nordic-Baltic region. NORDBALT-ECOSAFE (2022-2025)
- Sustainable soil management to unleash soil biodiversity potential and increase environmental, economic and social wellbeing. SOILGUARD (2021-2025)
- Thematic Network that implements a multi-actor approach to modernize the EU beekeeping sector. B-THENET (2022-2025)
- New technology to produce hydrogen from Renewable Energy Sources based on AI with optimized costs for environmental applications. HydroG(re)EnergY-Env. (2022-2024)
- Advancing Sustainable Curcular Bioeconomy in Central and Eastern European countries. BIOEASTSUP (2019-2022)
- Futuristic beehives for a smart metropolis. HIVEOPOLIS (2019-2024)
- Disseminating Innovative Solutions for Antibiotic Resistance Management. DISARM (2019-2022)
- Climate Care Cattle Farming Systems. CCCfarming (2019-2022)
LIFE projects in progress (total funding – 1,352,007 EUR):
- Demonstration of climate change mitigation potential of nutrients rich organic soils in Baltic States and Finland - LIFE OrgBalt (2019-2023)
- Implementation of River Basin Management Plans of Latvia towards good surface water status- LIFE GOODWATER IP (2020-2027)
- Optimising the Governance and Management of the Natura 2000 Protected Areas Network in Latvia - LIFE-IP LatViaNature (2020-2028)
Cooperation with entrepreneurs and representatives of the industry is essential - they make up 15% of the acquired funding every year. In 2022, LBTU maintained 14 patents and 20 varieties admitted and maintained in the Catalog of Plant Varieties.
Since 2015 LBTU is a member of Latvian Academic Network (hereinafter referred to as LAT) which provides connection to Latvian scientific infrastructure network, services, scientific libraries, data bases. Within the framework of the LAT project, LBTU has acquired high performance servers, disk arrays, network infrastructure equipment that provide high-capacity mathematical calculations (cloud computing, laser-data processing), data analysis and statistical processing, modelling processes.
LBTU has joint laboratories for the whole university at the disposal of researchers, such as the Scientific Laboratory of Biotechnologies - the laboratory conducts physical and physical-chemical tests of crops and animal feed as well as conducts tests, provides results and carries out research in molecular biology, microbiology and genetics. Laboratory maintains and stores the genetic resources bank of agriculture animals of Latvia. Since 2002 the laboratory conducts tests according to the LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025 standards.
However, there are specific laboratories in each unit, such as the Laboratory of Plant Pathology and Research Laboratory of Economic Characteristics of Plant Varieties. The aim of the analysis of economic characteristics of plant varieties is to identify 1) productivity of a variety, its biological characteristics, the resulting product quality, differences in chemical and technological properties in relation to the standard variety, resistance to diseases and pests, as well as other economically important characteristics; 2)suitability of varieties for growing in agro-climatic conditions of Latvia.
The modern Study and Science Centre at the Faculty of Food Technology equipped have advanced equipment (gastrointestinal simulant, high pressure processing unit etc.). LBTU Forest and Water Resources Laboratory (GHG emission installations; groundwater monitor flow and analysis equipment) contains specialized hardware with the data processing software; the infrastructure was improved in the field research sites - environmental monitoring stations due to GIS data processing and modelling laboratories with ArcGIS software, specialized hardware, card processing, scanning, the digitized map of Latvia.
The Landscape Architecture Training Laboratory have 3D design system based on Lumion software. A unique acoustics camera in the Baltics allows testing and researching acoustic parameters of bulky composite building materials and building structures.
Several laboratories are available for researchers in field of engineering: Scientific Laboratory of Biosystems Automation (field robotic research facility, hydraulic biomass material testing equipment), Biogas laboratory (biogas analyser), Research Laboratory of Alternative Fuels.
The overall list of LBTU scientific equipment can be found on: https://www.llu.lv/lv/zinatniska-inventara-datubaze
Leading Researchers:
- Līga Kovaļčuka, Dr.med.vet., h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2524-7427
- Kaspars Kovaļenko Dr.med.vet., h-indekss: 8, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9430-829X
- Gunārs Pētersons Dr.biol., h-indekss: 12, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3914-3554
- Dina Popluga, D.oec., h-indekss: 4, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8182-8218
- Aleksejs Nipers, Dr.oec.,h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6496-6694
- Irina Pilvere, Dr.oec., h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8467-1949
- Baiba Rivža, Dr.habil.oec., h-indekss: 8 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8719-3102
- Sandija Zēverte-Rivža, dr.oec., h-indekss: 4 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1973-6128
- Andra Zvirbule, Dr.oec., h-indekss: 4 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7206-7608
- Gunta Grīnberga-Zālīte, Dr.oec., h-indekss: 5 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0500-4890
- Līga Proškina, Dr.oec., h-indekss: 3 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3337-7838
- Vitālijs Osadčuks, Dr. sc. ing. . h-indekss: 4 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4431-0775
- Aivars Āboltiņš, Dr. sc. ing. . h-indekss: 9 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3693-4775
- Baiba Briede, Dr.paed. . h-indekss: 3 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8455-4040
- Aivars Kaķītis, Dr. sc. ing. . h-indekss: 5 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9392-6712
- Māris Gailis, Dr. . h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1433-6720
- Ruslans Šmigins, Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1953-6185
- Linda Grīnberga, Dr. sc. ing. . h-indekss: 3 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3291-3755
- Ulvis Skadiņš, Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 1 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4430-735X
- Daiga Skujāne, Dr. Arch.. h-indekss: 3 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1260-8967
- Vivita Puķīte, Dr. oec. h-indekss: 2 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9210-0337
- Armands Celms, Dr. sc. ing. . h-indekss: 2 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9673-1734
- Ainis Lagzdins, Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 10 ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0807-2741
- Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, Dr.sc.ing, h-indekss: 4, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6033-6241
- Inga Ciproviča, Dr.sc.ing., h-indekss: 7, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4495-4845.
- Evita Straumīte, Dr.sc.ing., h-indekss: 10, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8295-9877
- Ruta Galoburda, Dr.sc.ing., h-indekss: 10, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5804-516X
- Biruta Bankina, Dr.biol. h-indekss: 7, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7745-2804
- Ina Alsiņa, Dr.biol. h-indekss: 7, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6126-2598
- Jānis Gailis, Dr.agr.. h-indekss: 3, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2398-7683
- Zinta Gaile, Dr.agr.. h-indekss: 8, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2840-1263
- Ilze Vircava, Dr.geol. h-indekss: 4, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1652-0871
- Aldis Kārkliņš, Dr.habil.agr. h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2281-5967
- Gunita Bimšteine, Dr.agr., h-indekss: 6, ORCID ID: 0009-0000-0788-0512
- Daina Kairiša, Dr.agr . h-indekss: 3, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6923-2091
- Daina Jonkus, Dr.agr.. h-indekss: 5, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6442-779X
- Diāna Ruska, Dr.agr. h-indekss: 2, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8646-8103
- Āris Jansons, Dr.silv. h-indekss: 2, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7981-4346
- Inga Straupe, Dr.silv. h-indekss: 2, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2098-7194
- Edgars Bukšāns, Dr. sc.ing. h-indekss: 2, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3824-4452
- Edvīns Grants, Mg.sc.ing. h-indekss: 2, ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8253-1208
- Aleksejs Zacepins,. Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 12, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6974-8653
- Vitālijs Komašilovs, Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 7, ORCID ID/: 000-0003-2797-633X
- Irina Arhipova, Dr. sc. ing. h-indekss: 6, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1036-2024
More information: www.lbtu.lv/en