Vidzemes Augstskola

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

June 10, 2024

ViA is an internationally recognized regional higher education and research institution, taking the role of the intellectual leader of Vidzeme region in promoting the growth of the country and region. ViA has two research institutes (Institute of Social, Economic and Humanities Research and Socio-technical Systems Engineering Institute), which transfer research achievements to students through the college, bachelor's, master's and doctoral study programs of the Faculty of Engineering and Faculty of Social Sciences. ViA`s Knowledge and Technology Centre aim is to transfer university intellectual potential, technologies and innovation to the economics and to promote access to lifelong learning in the Vidzeme region.

 ViA contribute to the strengthening of an entrepreneurial, inclusive and smart future knowledge society at the regional, national and international level.

ViA`s research strategy is a reaction to the challenges created by the transition to the knowledge society and globalization. The long-term goal of the research activities at ViA is to create and adapt new technologies of the next generation knowledge society. The medium-term goal is to foster the national and regional development of smart specialization areas and increase productivity by carrying out research where there are actual social and technological challenges. The common research direction of ViA is digital solutions for social challenges.

Research directions and competences

Smart technologies and eco-building in the national economy. The need for this research direction is determined by the regional demand, including the requirement of the specialists prepared by the study programme "The New Construction School" implemented at ViA. The topicality of the construction of wooden buildings and energy efficiency aspects is internationally increasing, and the specific research direction, although currently defined as a research sub-field of a regional significance, has a high potential for future growth.

Virtual reality technologies and visualization. The research direction focuses on the creation of new, innovative solutions and the further development of existing solutions in a range of sectors of the economy and society, including tourism, history, medicine, logistics, production, architecture, training, marketing, etc.

E-learning management and technologies. The research direction focuses on the creation of new innovative solutions and the further development of existing solutions in the field of education, and the enhancement of the availability of innovative e-learning for the promotion of a knowledge-based economy in Latvia, which includes tourism, history, medicine, logistics, production, architecture, training, marketing and other sectors of the national economy.

Socio-technical systems modelling technologies. The research direction focuses on interdisciplinary research, which includes the assessment of engineering technology solutions in the social system and the evaluation of social research findings using simulation technology as well as company modelling methodologies.

Sustainable national economy and knowledge society. The development of the research direction is aimed at promoting the growth of the economy of Latvia (including in the regions, nature conservation areas), in the conditions of shrinking economy when development can take place by working more efficiently in one unit of time or by creating more expensive products and services for export.

Communication ecosystem and technologies. The development of the research direction is a proactive response to the challenges of society. Taking into account the topical challenges associated with the entry of digital technologies into the communication ecosystem of society, there is a need for improving the competence of society in the fields of media literacy and strategic communication. The research team has been actively involved in the implementation of the national level projects, as well as expanding an extensive cooperation at the international level.

Research projects and achievements

  1. Horizon 2020 project “reSilienT fARminG by Adaptive microclimaTe managEment (STARGATE)”. Implementation 01.10.2019-30.09.2023. Total project budget 214125,00 eur. The main project results: (1) framework for multictor Living Labs process, (2) multi-stakeholder community direction setup, (3) 11 indexed scientific publications.
  2. ERDF postdoctoral project “Artificial Intelligence (AI) support for accelerated math acquisition approach (AI4Math)”. Implementation 01.04.2020-31.01.2023. Total project budget 133805,88 eur. The main project results: (1) 4 indexed scientific publications, (2) developed 1 new product and technology, which can be commercialized, (3) established 3 enterprise cooperation’s.
  3. ERDF postdoctoral project “Design Research for User-friendly Guidance of Complex Whole-body Rehabilitation for Lover Extremity Amputees by Means of Extended Reality and Advanced Wearables Data Processing”. Implementation 02.01.2019-30.12.2021. Total project budget 133806,00 eur. The main project results: (1) 4 indexed scientific publications, (2) developed 2 new products and technologies, which can be commercialized, (3) established 2 enterprise cooperation’s.
  4. Fundamental and Applied research programme project “Visualisation of real-time bog hydrological regime and simulation data in virtual reality”. Implementation01.12.2020-31.12.2021. Total project budget 100389,00 eur. The main project results: (1) 1 PhD thesis, (2) 2 indexed scientific publications, developed 1 new product and technology, which can be commercialized.
  5. State Research Programme project “Vērtības darbībā: atbildīgas, drošas un izglītotas pilsoniskās sabiedrības attīstība ar pētniecību un rīcības modeļu izstrādes palīdzību”. Implementation 03.12.2018-30.11.2021. Total project budget 599838,75 eur. The main project results: (1) developed policy recommendations, (2) published book “Latvijas Republikas dibinātāji un atjaunotāji”.
  6. ERDF postdoctoral project “Leveraging ICT Product Innovations by Enhancing Codes of Modern Art”. Implementation 01.09.2017-31.08.2021. Total project budget 133806,00 eur. The main project results: (1) 4 indexed scientific publications, (2) 6 publications in collection of articles, (3) Art Space, a digital game prototype.
  7. ERDF postdoctoral project “Dynamic 3D visualization of the Internet of Things (IoT) elements in outdoor augmented reality (AR) modes”. Implementation 01.09.2017-31.08.2020. Total project budget 133806,00 eur. The main project results: (1) 2 indexed scientific publications, (2) developed 1 new products and technologies, which can be commercialized, (3) established 2 enterprise cooperation’s.
  8. ERDF postdoctoral project “Tourism Intelligence Latvia”. Implementation 01.09.2017-31.08.2020. Total project budget 133806,00 eur. The main project results: (1) 4 indexed scientific publications, (2) developed 2 new products and technologies, which can be commercialized, (3) established 3 enterprise cooperation’s.
  9. Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Maximised Mobility and Accessibility of Services in Regions Affected by Demographic Change (MAMBA)”. Implementation 01.06.2017.-30.11.2020. Total partner budget 200000.00 eur. The main project results: (1) Pre-Study of Mobility Centre Models, (2) Economic factors and mobility, (3) Sociocultural factors and mobility, (4) Mobility and the law, (5) Evaluating the socioeconomic effectiveness.
  10. Interreg Baltic Sea Region project “Social empowerment in rural areas (SEMPRE)”. Implementation 01.03.2016-31.02.2019. Total project budget 308000,00 eur. The main project results: (1) handbook “Empowerment – Making it Happen”, (2) roadmap “Practicing User Involvement – An Organizational Roadmap For Social Service Providers”, (3) handbook “The SEMPRE Guidebook for Empowerment Training”, (4) brochure “Co-creating Social Services – A Compilation of 26 Micro Projects in the Baltic Sea Region”, (5) recommendations “Towards Innovative Social Service Provision in the Baltic Sea Region – Policy Recommendations”.
  11. Interreg Central Baltic Programme project “Boosting tourism business growth through higher vocational education (BOOSTED)”. Implementation 01.11.2016.-31.10.2019. Total project budget 143179.85  eur. The main project results: (1) Curriculum, (2) The Teachers’ Guide


  • Cēsu street study and research base
  • Tērbata street study and research base

Leading researchers:

  1. Sarma Cakula, Dr.paed., h-6, Scopus Author Identifier 42161127100
  2. Arnis Cīrulis,, h-6, ORCID 0000-0001-9577-0646
  3. Agita Līviņa, Dr.oec., h-4, ORCID 0000-0003-2804-9132
  4. Andris Klepers, Dr.geogr., h-4, ORCID 0000-0002-7314-7957
  5. Jānis Buholcs,, h-3, Scopus Author Identifier 57193197960
  6. Ginta Majore,, h-3, Scopus Author Identifier 56748039300
  7. Agnese Dāvidsone, PhD., h-3, ORCID 0000-0003-4276-9144
  8. Sarmīte Rozentāle, Dr.eoc., h-2, ORCID 0000-0002-0682-4196
  9. Oskars Java, PhD., h-2, ORCID 0000-0002-2189-3798
  10. Linda Veliverronena, PhD, h-2, ORCID 0000-0003-1771-343X

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