Take the opportunity to meet with Nobel Prize winners in Chemistry

Latvian Association of Young Researchers

October 11, 2024

From June 29, 2025, to July 4, 2025, the city of Lindau in Germany will host the Chemistry Nobel Laureates Meeting as part of the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. This event offers around 600 talented young scientists from around the world the chance to participate in lectures, panel discussions, and conversations with Nobel Prize winners. This year, the meeting was dedicated to the field of Physics, and Latvia was represented for the first time. Rihards Ruska (Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia) participated in the meeting. More about his experience can be read here.

Applications for the meeting can be submitted by undergraduate, master's, and doctoral students, as well as postdoctoral researchers (within 5 years of obtaining their PhD) working in chemistry-related fields in Latvia. Before applying, please familiarize yourself with the eligibility and selection criteria here!

The confirmation of participation occurs in two stages:

  1. Nomination: By October 24, 2024, the Latvian Young Scientists Association (LJZA) will nominate candidates in collaboration with the academic partner (Mārcis Auziņš, University of Latvia). Two candidates will be nominated for the next selection round.
  2. After the academic partner's nomination, candidates will need to fill out an online application created by the meeting organizers, which will be evaluated by the scientific committee based on the selection criteria. Candidates who successfully pass this round will be officially invited to participate in the meeting.

In the second stage, two recommendation letters will be required from the research supervisor or another internationally recognized scientist. 

When evaluating applications, attention will be paid to candidates' academic achievements, motivation, and additional activities outside of studies or scientific work. More information about the application process can be found here.

Interested individuals are requested to send their application for the first selection round to info@ljza.lv by October 21, 2024 (inclusive), attaching an academic CV (max 2 pages), a motivation letter (1 page) in English, and indicating two scientists who can provide a recommendation letter.

In the motivation letter, you should describe your achievements in studies and/or research and explain why participation in this event would be valuable for your career development. Bachelor's and master's level students should also describe their academic performance.

To learn more about the event, visit the website: https://www.lindau-nobel.org/

Photo: britannica.com