RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education
July 10, 2024
The Rīga Stradiņš University Latvian Academy of Sport Education (RSU LASE) is a specialized educational institute and science institution. The main aim of the activities of the RSU LASE is to provide students with the opportunity to get higher academic education and training, to develop sports science and research in health care in sports, and to develop a culture to preserve the intellectual and physical potential needed by the Republic of Latvia, by promoting and ensuring the harmonious development theory. The development of the study process and study environment is one of the main strategic directions for the development of the academy to provide students with recognized quality studies, to develop innovative research in sport science and health care, integrating it into a modern study process that would help the training of excellent competitive sports and health professionals in the field of sport in Latvia and international work the market.
RSU LASE has appropriate staff and equipment at the Healthcare Sports Research Centre (VASIC). VASIC promotes and coordinates scientific and systematic research in sport science and health care, and is equipped with modern testing devices, training devices, and rehabilitation and sports medicine equipment. The center is conducting studies on the effects of the load on the organism for both high-performance athletes and residents. Cooperation with the Latvian Olympic Unit has started by testing the leading national athletes of Latvia. RSU LASE has prior experience in research projects, including the Project on Fundamental and Applied Studies, the EEA/Norway grant Project, the Erasmus Sport Programme Partnership projects, as well as the implementation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia science projects and others.
Research directions and competences
The following four main directions have been determined for RSU LASE scientific research
- Sport, sport education and socialization.
- Promotion of public health.
- High-achievement sport.
- Socio-economic aspects of sport.
Research projects and achievements
Project Title: Exploring the molecular mechanisms behind the effects of physical exercise on breast cancer prevention
- Funding: EEA and Norway Grants 2014-2021
- Project No EEA-RESEARCH-164
- Project Agreement nr. EEZ/BPP/VIAA/2021/2
- Period:01.05.2021-30.04.2024
- Project promoter: Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Centre
- Partners: Oslo University Hospital; National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Estonia; National Cancer Institute, Lithuania; Latvian Academy of Sport Education
- Project Costs: EUR 1 000 000.00
- Principle Investigator: Dr. Bio. Aija Linē
Project aim summary: It is well known that physical activity can prevent cancer development, but the molecular mechanisms behind these effects are poorly understood. During exercise, extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released into the circulation and mediate tissue crosstalk with potential effects on tumour cells and the immune tumour microenvironment. The overall aim of CancerBeat is to characterise the molecular cargo of exercise-induced EVs and explore their effects on breast cancer (BC) progression in vitro and in vivo. The researcher group from the LASE will include Aija Klavina, chief researcher, Rudolfs Ceseiko, researcher, Martins Campa, research assistant and students.
Expected results of the project: It is planned to prepare 8 scientific publications, to present the results at 9 international conferences during the project.
More information on EEA and Norwegian grants is available at: www.norwaygrants.lv and www.eeagrants.lv.
Programme: Research and Education, Baltic Research Programme
Fundamental and Useful Research Project (FLPP) called ′′ COVID-19 impact on sustainable consumption behavior and circulation economy ". No. lzp-2020/2- 0317
- Project applicant: BA School of Business and Finance
- Project partners: RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education
- Period:30.11.2020-31.12.2021
- Project Costs: 100 389.00 EUR
- Project manager (LASE):
- Name: Ivars Kravalis
- E-mail: Ivars.Kravalis@lspa.lv
- Address: Brivibas street 333, Riga, Latvia, LV-1006
Title: Comprehensive Assessment and Support Program to Reduce Screen Time Related Health Risks in Adolescents.
- Submitting Institution: RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education
- Cooperation partner: University of Latvia
- Implementation time: from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022
- Received funding: 300 000 EUR
- Project manager: Aija Kļaviņa aija.klavina@lspa.lv
RSU LASE Health care in sport research center and Sport science research laboratory have modern equipment for research in a field of Kinesiology, such as movement biomechanics, human working capacity, different physical particularities, phycho-cognitive and other characteristic investigation. List of avaliable devices:
- Dynamical balance platform “Technobody prokin 252”
- Infrared subsurface measuring device “Optojump next”
- Time registration device “Witty”
- System of psycho-cognitive tests “Vienna tests”
- Heart rate measuring device “Polar team pro”
- Gas analysis equipmnet “Vyntus CPX”
- Lactate and glucose concentration analyzer “EKF biosen”
- Velo ergometer “Excalibur sport”
- Treadmill “Lode valiant ultra” with weight reduction function and wheelchair adapter
- Hand ergometer “Lode”
- Rehabilitation velo ergometer “Lode rehab”
- Isokinetic dynamometer “Physiomed Con-Trex”
- Infrared high-speed cameras “BTS SMART DX”
- Electromyograph “BTS FREE-EMG” (16 chanels)
- Ground reaction force plates “BTS P-6000”
- Walking sensor “BTS G -walk (G-sensor)”
- Digital dynamometer “Biometrics Ltd E-LINK”
- Daily physical activity measuring devices “ActiGraph wGT3X-BT”
- Muscle tone device miotonometer “MYOTON”
- Non-invasive hemodynamic monitoring system “PhysioFlow Enduro”
- Cryo Cabin CTN
Leading Researchers:
- Aija Kļaviņa ORCID ID 0000-0003-1959-9941 Scopus Author ID: 24721727000
- Inese Pontaga ORCID ID 0000-0001-6659-839X Scopus Author ID: 6603560216
- Andra Fernāte ORCID ID 0000-0003-0949-170X Scopus Author ID: 55344375000
- Inese Pontaga ORCID ID 0000-0001-6659-839X Scopus Author ID: 6603560216
- Juris Grants ORCID ID 0000-0003-3116-9119
- Jānis Žīdens ORCID ID 0000-0002-8244-4451
- Maija Dzintare ORCID ID 0000-0001-8027-9096
- Žermēna Vazne ORCID ID 0000-0002-4361-5473
- Kalvis Ciekurs ORCID ID 0000-0002-7307-1542
- Anastasija Ropa ORCID ID 0000-0002-2162-3050
- Anna Zuša ORCID ID 0000-0001-8801-9141
- Edgars Bernāns ORCID ID 0000-0001-8791-2130
More information: www.lspa.lv/eng