The European Researchers' Night

The European Researchers' Night 2024 will take place on 27 September under the theme 'Living in a Smart World'.

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Researcher of September

Creativity has and should have no limits – the more creative a researcher is, the more likely they are to create something new, unique, unprecedented and more useful to society.

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Researcher Spotlight

Extraordinary personalities and their achievements

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research in Latvia

in brief

We are building a stable and strong national research environment, enabling international and public-private partnerships to emerge.

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why Latvia

Latvia's research policy is developed in order to create the maximum number of opportunities both in the research and education system and in the business environment.

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We believe that a culture of knowledge offers the best opportunities for creating and sustaining a strong civil society in a world that is constantly changing.

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research spotlight

91 projects will be financed in the competition of fundamental and applied projects

Funding was awarded to 91 projects in the Fundamental and Applied Projects competition of the Latvian Science Council. The total funding for project implementation is 27.3 million euros. In total, 596 submissions from 30 scientific institutions were evaluated in the project competition. One proj…

Anda Asere, Labs of Latvia

September 6, 2024

The testing of autonomous mobility solutions in the urban environment will be discussed

On September 19, the Smart Cities Conference will take place for the third year in the Science and Innovation Center of Riga Technical University (RTU), Ķīpsalas Street 6A, which will bring together representatives of municipalities, technology companies and the academic field to discuss future mob…

Riga Technical University

September 6, 2024

The talk show "Science up close" produced by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences is returning to television

With a new season, ReTV returns "Science up close" - a talk show about research and topics relevant to society. The series of nine programs offered by Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences (ViA) will be hosted by journalist Sandra Kropa-Kaļužnaya. In the new season, viewers will have the opportuni…

Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences

September 5, 2024

LU joins the Open Quantum Institute

The University of Latvia (LU) has signed an agreement with the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), joining the Open Quantum Institute (OQI) as a new member. This collaboration marks an important step in the development and application of quantum technologies to address global challen…

The University of Latvia

September 5, 2024

Cooperation agreement between Latvia and the USA in science and technology opens up mutual benefits and future perspectives

Today, September 4, in the premises of Riga Technical University (RTU), the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia Anda Čakša signed an important intergovernmental agreement with the government of the United States of America on cooperation in the field of science and technolog…

Ministry of Education and Science

September 4, 2024

The European Commission has launched a call for nominations of outstanding researchers to be shortlisted for the European Commission's Group of Chief Scientific Advisors

The European Commission has announced a call for nominations of outstanding researchers to be included in the list of candidates for future participation in the European Commission's Group of Chief Scientific Advisors (GCSA). The aim is to select and nominate outstanding researchers who could be…

Latvian Science Council

September 4, 2024

Extensive Opportunities for Latvian Researchers to Participate in European Molecular Biology Organization Programs

  The European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) promotes excellence in the life sciences in Europe and beyond. The organization internationally brings together more than 1,900 leading researchers and members who have made outstanding contributions to science. Latvian scientists also ha…

The European Molecular Biology Organization

September 4, 2024

EU funds will support research projects

The Central Finance and Contracts Agency (CFLA) has announced an open selection of projects, inviting scientific institutions and the Latvian Science Council to apply for funding from European Union (EU) funds to support already developed research projects. This program, prepared by the Ministry…

The Central Finance and Contracts Agency

September 3, 2024

Three young Latvian researchers receive Baltic scholarships for women in research

Three young female researchers - dr. chem. Daniela Godiņa, Dr. Phil. Anne Sauka and Mg. League Ignatāne - form Latvia have become laureates of the "Baltic scholarship for women in research 2024" competition announced this year by the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Latvian National Commission f…

Latvian Academy of Sciences

September 3, 2024

Researcher Spotlight: Jānis Veliks

Dr. chem. Jānis Veliks Leading researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. Creativity has and should have no limits – the more creative a scientist is, the more likely they are to create something new, unique, unprecedented and more usefu…

research Latvia

September 1, 2024

upcoming events


Maritime exhibition "Your compass points to the sea"


All day

Meža ielā 1, k6, Rīga


Exhibition of future industrial design engineers' works at the mall "Origo"


All day

Stacijas laukums 4, Rīga


The exhibition "Research Latvia 2024" at LBTU


All day

Lielā iela 2, Jelgava

Face-to-face event

Conference "The Good, the Bad, and the Unknown: the Roles of EVs in Health and Disease"


All day

Jelgavas iela 1, Rīga

top videos

Researcher Spotlight: Jānis Veliks

Dr. chem. Jānis Veliks Leading researcher and Head of the Laboratory of Organic Synthesis, Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis. The main research focus of Jānis Veliks is the development of new – efficient, easy to use and stable – fluoromethylene group reagents for the simultaneous introduction of fluorine and carbon atoms into organic compounds. These reagents allow new fluorinated molecules to be formed more easily and their most important potential application is in the production of active pharmaceutical ingredients, as on average one in four of them contains at least one fluorine atom.

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Researcher Spotlight: Brigita Dejus

Ph. D. Brigita Dejus, Leading researcher, Water Research and Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory, Riga Technical University (RTU). Brigita is a young RTU researcher whose research work is related to water, wastewater monitoring and treatment. She developed her PhD thesis while studying at RTU and the Royal Swedish Institute of Technology, studying the potential of using microscopic fungi in the treatment of wastewater from pharmaceutically active substances.

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Researcher Spotlight: Linda Gailīte

Dr. med. Linda Gailīte, Leading researcher and Head of the Scientific Laboratory of Molecular Genetics, Riga Stradins University. Linda has been working in the RSU Scientific Laboratory of Molecular Genetics since 2002. The main activity of the laboratory is genetic analysis, studying acquired or inherited DNA changes in various diseases and signs. Linda has developed a genetic test, GENTERF, for the simultaneous detection of genetic variations important for reproduction, which helps to diagnose known genetic causes of infertility more quickly.

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