Latvian Institute of Horticulture
June 7, 2024
Latvian Institute of Horticulture (LatHort) is the leading research institution in horticulture in Latvia - the institute conducts full-spectrum research - from fundamental science in plant biology to applied research focused on the environmentally friendly technologies in horticultural production and processing of fresh commodities aimed to create environmentally friendly and health-promoting products.
Research directions and competences
Research focus and activities:
- Implementation of environmentally friendly growing technologies in horticulture;
- Maintenace, research, and use of genetic resources collections of fruit and vegetable crops and collections of pathogenic fungi and bacteria;
- Breeding of new varieties of horticultural crops resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses, suitable for growing in conditions of the Baltic region, for multipurpose use;
- Versatile use of precise non-contact phenotyping and molecular methods in research of biodiversity of horticultural crops;
- Introduction of new varieties and species;
- Facilitation of biological diversity in horticultural agrocenoses;
- Study of beneficial and harmful fauna in different farming systems;
- Investigation of diversity of biochemical compounds in plants, possibilities of their use in food, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries;
- Preservation, maintenance and research of collections of pathogenic fungi and bacteria;
- Research on invasive species (plants, pathogens, pests);
- Pests - in-depth studies of new and emerging species (monitoring, development dynamics).
The expertise of LatHort researchers covers a wide range of horticultural, biological, chemical and technological fields related to horticulture. LatHort employees are open to cross-sectoral cooperation, which promotes knowledge transfer and promotes the introduction of innovations in the industry.
LatHort is used as a base for practical training, as well as a research base for the development of bachelor's, master's and doctoral theses for students of the Latvian University of Life Sciences (LBTU), the University of Latvia and the University of Rēzekne. Students of professional schools also do their praxis at LatHort. Several LatHort researchers give lectures to students of LBTU and professional schools.
Research projects and achievements
HORIZON 2020 projects:
- Agricultural Interoperability and Analysis Systems. 1.10.2019.- 31.03.2023., proj. leader E.Rubauskis; 112812.50 EUR
- SMART agriculture for innovative vegetable crop PROTECTion: harnessing advanced methodologies and technologies. 1.01.2020.- 30.06.2023., proj. leader L.Lepse; 1996187.00 EUR
ERDF project:
Elaboration of environment-friendly crop growing technologies identified by the Green Deal and their implementation in horticultural production in Latvia. 1.02.2021.- 30.11.2023., proj. leader. L.Lepse; 500827.05 EUR
Projects of Latvian Council of Science:
- Influence of agroecological conditions on the quality of vegetables in urban horticulture. 01.01.2023.- 31.12.2025., lead partner AREI, project leader from LatHort L.Lepse; 299925.00 EUR
- Smart Non-Invasive Phenotyping of Raspberries and Japanese Quinces Using Machine Learning and Hyperspectral and 3D Imaging. 1.01.2021.- 31.12.2023., proj. leader S.Strautiņa; 299988,00 EUR
- Dicotyledonous plant families and green tools as a promising alternative approach to increase the accessibility of tocotrienols from unconventional sources. 1.01.2021.- 31.12.2023., proj. leader. P.Gornas; 298449.00 EUR
- Smart complex of information systems of specialized biology lexis for the research and preservation of linguistic diversity. 1.01.2021.- 31.12.2023., Proj. Leader Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, leader from LatHort A. Stalažs; 300000.00 EUR
- Genus Hypericum as a new valuable source of tocotrienols and tocochromanol-related molecules – from ornamental crop to industrial applications. 01.01.2022.-31.12.2024., proj. leader D.Segliņa; 299943.60 EUR
- Development of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles based decision-making system for smart fruit growing. 01.01.2022.-31.12.2024., Project leader Rēzekne University of Technologies, leader from LatHort. G.Lācis; 105759.00 EUR
Collaboration projects by Ministry of Agriculture:
- LAP 16.1. Development of competences in biotechnology for obtaining high quality horticultural production. 01.01.2020.-30.06.2023., proj. leader D.Segliņa; 486991.11 EUR
- LAP 16.1. Innovative, economically substantiated solutions to improve the efficiency of apple and raspberry production and fruit quality. 01.11.2018.- 20.12.2023., proj. leader E. Rubauskis; 476290.67 EUR
- LAP 16.2. Improving the productivity and quality of organically grown crops by using of new mineral-organic fertilizers. 1.04.2020.-31.03.2023., proj. leader Dz.Dēķena; 24910.06 EUR
- LAP 16.2. The introduction of innovative, competitive growing technologies for Japanese quince and the extension of the range of fruit-processed products. 1.04.2020.-31.05.2023., vad. E.Kaufmane; 98920.00 EUR,
- LAP 16.2. Growing opportunities of new plum cultivars in different regions of Latvia with innovative tree training system. 1.03.2018. - 1.03.2023., proj. leader. I.Grāvīte; 27185.06 EUR
- LAP 16.2. Use of innovative methods in increasing the productivity and quality of seabuckthorn plantations. 1.03.2020. - 28.02.2023., proj. leader Dz. Dēķena; 101641.36 EUR
- LAP 16.2. Wild Cherry (Cerasus avium Moench. syn. Prunus avium L.) propagation technology development and selection of perspective clones for the establishment of productive roundwood plantations under the climatic conditions of Latvia. 1.04.2020.–31.07.2023., Project leader SFRI “Silava”, proj. leader from LatHort D. Feldmane; 22565.00 EUR
Other projects:
- ECPGR - Genotyping-by-sequencing of the European garlic collection to develop a sustainable ex situ conservation strategy (2023 -2024) Leader from Latvia: L.Lepse
Global Research Network “Monitoring of Venturia inaequalis virulence’s” - (from 2012. - continuous) http://www.vinquest.ch/monitoring/current_member.htm Project leader from Latvia I. Moročko - Bičevska
Annually in LatHort are implemented around 5-7 projects contracted by entrepreneurs.
In the 2022/2023 several awards are received by the LatHort or particular researchers:
- Ph.D. Inga Moročko – Bičevska received the award of Latvian Ministry of Agriculture “For diligence”
- Dr.sc.ing. Dalija Segliņa received the highest reward in horticulture "Medal of Apples "
- Dr.agr. Ilze Grāvīte received the award "The sowing man 2022" in nomination “Science for practice and innovation”
- Dr.biol. Laila Ikase received award named by Pauls Lejiņš in agricultural science for the excellent success in apple breeding
The infrastructure of LatHort has been built for a long time and purposefully, in order to be able to carry out full-spectrum horticultural research of various technological complexity. LatHort owns unique perennial plantations located in two locations in Dobele (40 ha) and Pūre (10 ha). These plantations serve as a research base for technological research, basic biological research, keeping of genetic resources collections and short-term technological research. The laboratory complex provides the research infrastructure for plant biology (for plant genetics and pathology studies), for determining the biochemical composition of plants and research in food processing technologies, greenhouses and controlled growth chambers provide the basis for plant physiology and cultivation technology, as well as plant genetics and pathology research. The in vitro micropropagation laboratory is used for plant pathology and technological research. The storage and laboratory complex is located both in Dobele and Pūre. The equipment of computer softwares and IT equipment enables high-quality data processing and interpretation.
Leading Researchers:
- Pawel Gornas,Dr. sc. ing., HI 29; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3908-2296
- Dalija Segliņa,Dr. sc. ing., HI 22; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0601-7095
- Gunārs Lācis,Ph.D., HI 13; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9877-8317
- Edīte Kaufmane,Dr. biol., HI 10; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5188-4115
- Vitālijs Radenkovs, Dr. sc. ing., HI 10; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9443-3525
- Karina Juhņeviča – Radenkova,Dr. sc. ing., HI 9; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5062-2161
- Inga Moročko – Bičevska, Ph.D., HI 8; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1148-2909
- Līga Lepse,Dr. agr., HI 8; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1346-6152
- Edgars Rubauskis, Dr. agr., HI 7; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9853-2723
- Laila Ikase,Dr. biol., HI 7; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7451-5774
- Sarmīte Strautiņa,Dr. biol., HI 6; https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5668-2205
- Arturs Stalažs,Dr.agr., HI 5; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3971-6255
- Ilze Grāvīte,Dr. agr., HI 5; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4174-9371
- Daina Feldmane: Dr. agr., HI 4; https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2265-7305
More information: www.darzkopibasinstituts.lv