The Latvian Academy of Sciences and AS "Latvenergo" announce the competition "Award of the Year" 2024

Latvian Academy of Sciences

September 17, 2024

In order to motivate Latvian researchers to carry out research, especially applied research, for the promotion of energy development and the creation of an innovation environment, the Latvian Academy of Sciences and AS "Latvenergo" are announcing the competition "Award of the Year" 2024!

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the competition:

  • Professor Alfreds Vītols Award for outstanding contribution in energy;
  • two awards for significant contribution to energy;
  • five awards for success in energy for young researchers (under 40 years of age).

Applicants can be nominated by members of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (LZA), councils or councils of scientific institutes, AS "Latvenergo", senates and councils of faculties of universities and higher education institutions. Awards are given by a committee of experts.

When nominating applicants, the following documents must be submitted by October 15, 2024 (in two copies):

  • motivated application of the nominator;
  • the applicant's Curriculum vitae (CV), we invite you to indicate in it data on qualifications, experience and contact information, without specifying sensitive information;
  • an annotation of the submitted work(s) signed by the nominator or applicant in Latvian, indicating the title of the work also in English;
  • proposed work (set of works).

One copy of the awarded scientific or practical works is handed over to AS "Latvenergo" for safekeeping.

Materials should be submitted to: The Latvian Academy of Sciences Department of Physics and Technical Sciences (address: Akadēmijas laukuma 1, Riga, LV-1050. For inquiries: 67223633, 67223931, or

AS "Latvenergo" (address: 12 Pulkveža Brieža street, Riga, LV-1230. For inquiries: 29434447,
