RSU Latvian Academy of Sport Education Travelling Exibition "Research Latvia 2025"

About event
Throughout the year, the traveling exhibition "Research Latvia 2025", organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, will be showcased at higher education institutions as well as other public and cultural venues across Latvia.
"Science is a path into the unknown. If everything was known and had been studied, then there would be no science," notes Dr. biol. Renāte Ranka,Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Riga Stradiņš University, Lead Researcher at the Institute of Public Health.
By scanning QR codes, visitors can watch 12 video stories featuring the researchers via "researchLatvia" YouTube channel.
The science calendar and travelling exhibition is prepared within the project No. “More Efficient Implementation and Management of Latvia's Science Policy”.
Developers: SIA “Entuziasti Digital” creative team, including Mārtiņš Pavasaris, video director Kristaps Mozgirs, and photographer Mārtiņš Goldbergs.
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