63 applications from Latvian women researchers have been received for the Baltic States scholarship for women in research

Latvian Academy of Sciences

July 23, 2024

63 applicants from Latvia have applied for the competition "Baltic scholarship for women in science 2024" announced by the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO. 50 applications were received in the field of natural sciences, engineering and technology, medicine and health sciences, as well as 13 applications in the field of humanities and social sciences. The evaluation of applications will take place until August 15 of this year, while the three winners of the scholarship competition will be announced until September 1 of this year.

In each of the Baltic States, two scholarships will be awarded in the fields of natural sciences, engineering and technology, medicine and health sciences - one for a doctoral candidate and one for a doctor of sciences. In addition, in Estonia, one scholarship will be awarded to a Doctor of Science in the field of social sciences, and in Latvia and Lithuania - one scholarship to a Doctor of Science in the field of social sciences and humanities each.

The purpose of the joint scholarship is to support female researchers so that they can build a career in the field of scientific research in the Baltic States: the national competitions are intended to evaluate and provide support to the best young female researchers in the Baltic States in their pursuit of excellence in research, as well as to popularize the achievements of young female researchers and encourage the most talented female students to choose the profession of a researcher.

The scholarship competition in Latvia is organized by the Latvian Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Latvian National Commission for UNESCO and the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science.

The Academies of Sciences of the Baltic States, in cooperation with the UNESCO national commissions, announced in June a joint scholarship competition for women scientists "Baltic Scholarship for Women in Science 2024". Nine outstanding Baltic women researchers will each receive a scholarship of 7,000 euros, evaluating their performance so far and promoting further research.

Photo: Pixabay.com