
One field, different sectors

Historically, veterinary medicine has been associated with agriculture, but in Latvia today, it is slowly gravitating towards medicine, creating testing opportunities for new technologies and experimental approaches. Research into antimicrobial resistance, the impact of the environment on biological systems, food safety, and diseases that animals can transmit to humans integrates various sub-sectors, like veterinary science and societal safety, into the One Health concept. In this field, BIOR and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies are conducting research on infectious diseases, genetic analysis, innovative clinical trials, pharmacology, and morphology.

Organic farms, natural raw materials, and renewable resources integrate growing global concerns about the future with local business potential. Agricultural research is also providing a steadily growing body of new knowledge on how to control plant and animal diseases at the same time as boosting productivity. Wildlife research encompasses forestry, veterinary, and social sciences.

The bioeconomy increasingly uses engineering solutions to automate industry and collect data, as well as to supply the energy sector with alternative fuels and other sustainable raw materials in order to adapt to climate change. The Institute for Environmental Solutions is a model of excellence in interdisciplinary integration. The international collaboration at this institute, between scientists, artists, engineers, and practitioners, creates ad hoc interdisciplinary teams that design and develop unprecedented and environmentally friendly solutions. The Baltic Studies Centre carries out systematic, socially-oriented research on non-wood products and food.