LBTU Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics (Stende Research Centre)

About event

Take the path of a researcher! We welcome all those interested to get to know AREI researchers, to feel their role and to follow the path of a researcher from A-Z. Learn about the research process, experiment, step into the "shoes" of a researcher, ask questions and receive interesting and surprising answers from the leading agricultural and environmental researchers in Latvia. Enjoy research as an exciting adventure!

The program of the event will soon be published on AREI's website and social network accounts.

N.B. No registration is required for the event. Individual groups of students will not be admitted. Contact person: Sanija Ita Krēķe, Tel: 27439944, e-mail:

  • Field of research: agriculture, agrochemistry, field plant breeding, food science
  • Location: Dižzemes, Dižstende, Lībagu parish, Talsu district
  • Time and duration of the event: 16.00 - 20.00
  • Language of the event: Latvian
  • Transport: private transport
  • Environment Availability: Unable to ensure
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Date of event:

September 27, 2024


4:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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The LBTU Institute of Agricultural and Economics is a leading field plant breeding institute with more than 100 years of history. AREI researchers carry out the selection of field plant varieties, the research of various field plant cultivation technologies, conduct research on the quality of field plants and the development of sustainable rural space, as well as economic analysis in the fields of agriculture, food production and fisheries. AREI operates in four locations in Latvia, which constantly ensure the transfer of knowledge into practice.