Opening of the Baltic Biomaterials Center of Excellence

Rīgas Tehniskās universitātes (RTU)

January 16, 2025

medicine research
BBCE's new building creates a state-of-the-art environment for research, studios and product transfer from lab to market. Photo: Vitalijs Vinogradovs, RTU

On January 20 the new building of the Baltic Biomaterials Center of Excellence (BBCE), where scientists will study and synthesize human reserves, will be inaugurated parts or biomaterials for bone and soft tissue regeneration, face, mouth and jaw surgery, orthopedics and other areas.

The new building is the headquarters of BBCE, it was created on the basis of the Riga Biomaterials Innovation and Development Center of RTU Rūdolfs Cimdiņš. The energy-efficient and smart building creates a modern environment for research, studies and transfer of products from the laboratory to the market. It has modernly equipped chemistry laboratories, clean rooms, in vitro research and implant prototyping laboratories, as well as rooms for scientists, conferences, etc. In equipping the building, more than 20 modern scientific equipment were additionally purchased, including a 3D printer for tissue printing, an X-ray microtomograph, which can be used to study the structure of materials in great detail without damaging it, a scanning electron microscope, which can measure even the coating of nanoparticles, etc.

BBCE is an ambitious scientific capacity building project implemented by RTU in cooperation with the Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU), RSU Stomatology Institute and foreign partners - AO Research Institute in Switzerland and Erlangen-Nuremberg University Biomaterials Center in Germany.

To view the gallery, click on the picture below

Durvis ver Baltijas Biomateriālu ekselences centra ēka.

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