In order to promote multifaceted forest ecosystem planning, The Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies (LBTU) together with eight cooperation partners is currently creating the use of nature-friendly and sustainable forestry digital solutions in Latvia, in order to further popularize it and transfer it to forest managers for use free of charge.
Before starting the testing of the tool, the parties involved met in the territory of the project partner SIA "Rīgas meži" in order to evaluate in nature the decision-making principles of forest rangers and the essential factors that are taken into account in the planning of forestry works in Pierīga. During the meeting, an assessment of the regeneration of the natural forest was carried out in the openings created in the pine groves one year and five years ago.
Digital opportunities for research-based forestry in the field of bioeconomy will help to plan and work more efficiently, promoting a nature-friendly approach to forest management. The project "Development of logging automated planning algorithms, data processing and analysis IT tool within the framework of industrial research, providing an alternative, innovative and economically justified solution to methods of regular opening clear-cutting and random felling, based on an optimal ecosystem service provision model in forestry" ("Nature-friendly forestry") implementation will help with data mapping, thus allowing for multifaceted ecosystem applications in the forest. Currently, a demo tool is being developed, based on the mapping of approximately 140,000 ha of forest territory with high natural or recreational value. Based on this evaluation in the pilot territory, work will continue on the full-fledged development of the tool so that it can be practically applied in daily work.
The digital tool is an open source platform/program that will be freely available to all forest managers and can be used in the development of forest management plans in Latvia. The platform is created based on research and practice, as well as promoting public understanding of the progress and benefits of the process. The long-term goal and desired impact of the project is to ensure a balance between the economic development of the territory and the responsible use and protection of natural resources, the multifaceted forest ecosystem.