Lecture "Particle physics? Elementary!"

About event
In the lecture, which will be given by the director of the Institute of Particle Physics and Accelerator Technology of Riga Technical University, Kārlis Dreimanis, who works at CERN, you will be able to learn how researchers at CERN are looking for answers to the most fundamental questions about the nature and structure of the universe - how our universe was created, what are the laws of physics that determine its structure, why The universe exists and how research is carried out at CERN - how particle accelerators work, what is the Large Hadron Collider and what is its role in discovering and proving physical phenomena.
Answers to these questions are sought by studying the properties of the smallest components of the universe - elementary particles - and Latvian researchers - both particle physicists and engineers - specialists in accelerator technology have been involved in this research work for several years, because on August 2, 2021 Latvia became a CERN Associate Member State, opening up wide opportunities for researchers and students to work in one of the world's most powerful research centers.
The lecture is one of the events of the CERN School of High Energy Physics and Accelerator Technology. This year, the CERN school takes place for the first time in Kuldīga for 5 until 9 of August, where internationally recognized faculty and researchers deliver live lectures and discussions in particle physics and accelerator technology to graduate and doctoral students from around the world.
The event is organized by RTU Institute of Particle Physics and Accelerator Technology in cooperation with CERN Baltic Group and COST Action CA22130 - COMETA (COMprehensive Multiboson Experiment-Theory Action).
Photo: Unsplash.com
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